Join Us For The Next
International Pageant

July 26th and 27th


The Accomplishments
Of Today's
Married Women®

Mrs. Minnesota International®

Andrea Bennett Xiong

People's Choice Award

1.Tell us why anyone would want come to your hometown?
“Illuminate” because it sounds bright and positive.

2.What are the (2) most important things in your closet and why?
I love Oprah’s Super Soul Sundays!

3.What do you love to cook and why?
I set 3 alarms on my smart phone because it takes my body a moment to wake up! I wish I was one of those people who could POP tart out of bed, plus I think my husband would prefer one alarm.

4.If you had an extra hour each day, what would you do?
When I dare to be powerful – to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.~Audre Lorde It describes my platform and my choice to focus on positively impacting people's lives rather than living in fear and silence.

5.Describe the dirtiest job you have ever had to do?
Do I have to choose? I like Friday because it’s the beginning of the weekend and full of adventure possibilities; Sunday because it’s my day of “rest."

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