Elaine Bateman
1.Tell us why anyone would want come to your hometown?
My commitment and loyalty to my Savior, my husband, my family and my country.
2.What are the (2) most important things in your closet and why?
Even though I am Latin, I was not coordinated! I couldn’t even use a HULA HOOP without bruising my body exercising!
3.What do you love to cook and why?
Exercise daily
Light exercise is walking, 6lb. hula hoop, jogging a mile w/husband and I work my abs too.
Heavy exercise is doing ZUMBA – Latin dance fitness 40 minutes three times a week.
Balanced daily diet
CNI CORE4 Weight Loss Representative
4.If you had an extra hour each day, what would you do?
LOVE without discrimination or partiality
LOYALTY without question – unconditional forgiveness
LEARNING from one another – even with all my experience, I still learn from the younger ones in my home, teaching them to view others the same way.
LIVING values in your community – and teaching your children to do the same
5.Describe the dirtiest job you have ever had to do?
Overspending on groceries
Because there was a time when we had little and it was very hard on our family – so I have a tendency to overbuy instead trusting God.
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